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2019-11-26 10:17

Do Not Delete OrManipulate Laboratory Data


A basic tenet ofdata integrity in laboratory operations is expressed in CGMP regulation,namely, that “laboratory records shall include complete data derived from alltests necessary to assure compliance with established specifications andstandards”.2 Recentobservations from FDA warning letters indicate that this basic tenet is stillnot being observed.  

CGMP 法规中表达了实验室操作中数据完整性的基本原则,即"实验室记录应包括从所有测试中获得的完整数据,以确保符合既定规范和标准"。近期的FDA警告信缺陷表明,这一基本原则仍未得到遵守。

“Our investigators observed […] deletion of at least six (b)(4) and (b)(4) tests in the audit trails for two instruments used to test sterile (b)(4).  Your systems allowed operators to delete files.” And “you identified a total of 25 deleted (b)(4) test results.”   

"我们的检查人员 [...]在用于测试无菌(b)(4)的两种仪器的审计追踪中发现至少有六个(b)(4)和(b)(4)检验被。你们的系统允许操作员删除文件。并且"你们总共发现了 25 个被删除的(b)(4)测试结果。

“The audit trail for these tests included the message, ‘deleted result set,’but neither of these two incidents were recorded in the analytical     packages for these batches of drug products, nor were they reviewed or     investigated by the quality unit.”


    “Your analyst was unable to retrieve requested data, and     explained that he deletes older data to make space for newly acquired     data.”


Performingin-person audits of laboratory operations is the most effective method ofensuring compliance in this area. Auditing for basic GDocP is of paramountimportance, as this is a fundamental tenet of CGMP.

对实验室操作进行现场审计是确保该领域合规的最有效方法。对基本 GDocP 的审核是至关重要的,因为这是 CGMP 的基本原则。

“Our investigators found that you had deleted entire chromatographic sequences and individual injections from your stand-alone computers.”


    “You stored original data in an ‘unofficial’ and uncontrolled electronic  spreadsheet on a shared computer network drive. Your analyst stated that original data was first recorded in this ‘unofficial’ spreadsheet and transcribed later to an ‘official’ form. This spreadsheet showed failing  results above the limits you established in your procedure, PCH 035 Visible Particle Determination in use prior to September 1, 2014.”

"你们将原始数据存储在共享计算机网络驱动器上的"非正式"和不受控的电子表格中。你们的分析师指出,原始数据首先记录在此"非正式"电子表格中,随后转录为"正式"记录。此电子表格显示的结果超出你们在PCH 035《可见异物检验》中设定的标准。

“Our investigator observed many copies of uncontrolled blank and partially-completed CGMP forms (e.g., environmental monitoring recordings, OOS forms, water testing sheets, and cleanroom entry and exit logs) without any accountability or oversight of your quality unit.”

    "我们的检查员发现多个不受控的空白和部分填写的 CGMP 记录复印件(例如,环境监测记录、OOS记录、水检验记录和洁净室进出日志),缺乏质量部门的任何说明或监督

     “Our investigators found a large number     of trash bags behind a building on your property.     The trash bags contained torn original laboratory and production records, such as analytical test reports, (b)(4) water testing reports, and sample  notebooks.”


    “Our investigator documented that your employees used paper shredders to destroy  critical laboratory and production records without the appropriate controls and procedures. Shredded documents included high performance  liquid chromatography (HPLC) chromatograms and a partially-completed OOS form.”10

    "我们的检查人员记录到,你们的员工使用碎纸机销毁关键的实验室和生产记录而没有适当的控制和程序。粉碎的文件包括高效液相(HPLC)色谱图和部分填写的 OOS 记录。

    “Investigators observed torn, partially complete QA-signed calibration records in the trash and observed QA staff shredding documents without recording the identity or the reason for shredding the documents.”11

    检查人员在垃圾箱中发现了撕毁的、部分填写的带QA 签名的校准记录,并观察到  QA 员工在撕碎文件时未记录撕毁文件的原因。

Do Not ConcealUndesirable Test Results


Manipulation oftests and/or test results to achieve desirable outcomes must be prevented bysufficient quality systems and control strategies, to include (but not limitedto) validation, qualification, and training of personnel. Recent observationsfrom FDA warning letters indicate that this basic tenet is still not beingobserved.


“Our investigators found a recurring practice of retesting samples until acceptable results were obtained.”


“Your original data showed failing results, but data you reported showed passing  results.”原始数据显示了失败的结果,但你们报告的数据显示结果是合格的。

“The chromatogram was then manually rescaled, which hid the presence of this peak. Your laboratory set the integration parameters to omit this peak from integration.”    


“You permanently deleted the first five sample injections. You then renamed the last two injections and reported that they met specifications.”


“Your analyst told our investigator that it is laboratory practice to perform  more injections than are required by the procedure, and then delete any undesirable result to ensure passing system suitability results.”


“Your firm reported only the passing results from repeat analyses.”    "贵公司只报告了重复检验后的合格结果。

“None  of the 19 chromatograms generated in the first sequence were maintained and available for review. Only the second set of chromatograms was maintained and relied upon in releasing lots.”18

"第一个序列中生成的 19 个色谱图均未得到保存并可供审查。只保存了第二组色谱图并用于批放行。

“Without providing scientific justification, you repeated analyses until you obtained acceptable results.”And,“You relied on these manipulated test results and incomplete records to support batch release decisions.”


Understand AndReview The Audit Trail


While the FDA issaid to be reexamining 21 CFR “Part 11 as it applies to all FDA-regulatedproducts,”20the compliant use of audit trails for computer-connected equipment in thelaboratory remains an area of great importance, as it provides one means ofevidence of compliance with GDocP and CGMP. Surprisingly, the audit trailremains an area of confusion; however, it may be simply understood as “achronology of the‘who, what, when, and why’ of a record.”21 Forcomputer-connected laboratory equipment, it “means a secure,computer-generated, time-stamped electronic record that allows forreconstruction of the course of events relating to the creation, modification,or deletion of an electronic record”.22 Recentobservations from FDA warning letters indicate that this basic tenet is stillnot being observed.

虽然FDA据说正在重新审查21 CFR Part 11,因为它适用于所有FDA监管的产品,"对于计算机连接的实验室设备,审计追踪的合规使用仍然是一个极为重要的领域,因为它提供证明符合GDocP 和 CGMP的方法。令人惊讶的是,审计追踪仍然是一个混乱的领域;然而,它可能被简单地理解为“谁,什么,何时,为什么”的记录。对于计算机连接的实验室设备,它"意味着一种安全的、计算机生成的、带时间戳的电子记录,允许重建与电子记录的创建、修改或删除有关的事件过程"。FDA警告信最近的缺陷表明,这一基本原则仍未得到遵守。

“Analysts manipulated and deleted audit trails.”


“An  analyst deleted audit trails in your gas chromatography equipment  #YQ-07-10 from September 15, 2015, through April 24, 2016, and permanently  deleted audit trails from November 6 to 13, 2015. In addition, our investigator observed that your quality control manager and quality control deputy manager had full administrative rights on all of your computerized systems, which allows them to manipulate data and turn off audit trails.”

    "一名检验员删除了气体色谱设备#YQ-07-10自2015年9月15日至2016     年4月24日的审计追踪,并永久删除了2015年11月6日至13日的审计追踪。此外,我们的检查人员发现,你们的质量控制经理和质量控制副经理对所有计算机化系统拥有完全的管理权限,这使他们能够操纵数据并关闭审计追踪。

“The audit trail showed that you performed this testing in duplicate.”


“Our review of audit trail data revealed that your analysts manipulated the date/time settings on your high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)  systems. During the inspection your analysts admitted to setting the clock back and repeating analyses for undocumented reasons.”


“Our  investigator observed that your Empower 3 system audit trail displayed  many instances of a ‘Project Integrity Failed’ message, which indicates that injections were missing from the results of analytical testing. For  example […] no chromatogram was rendered for the initial run of testing. The data package for this testing clearly shows that the initial run is missing, but your quality unit did not investigate the incident.”

 "我们的检查人员观察到,你们的 Empower 3 系统审计追踪显示多个"项目完整性失败"消息,这表明分析测试结果中进针缺失。例如,初始测试的色谱图没有呈现。此测试的数据包清楚地显示初始测试缺失,但质量部门没有调查该事件。

Audit trailfunctionality is common among computer-connected laboratory equipment but mustbe enabled, configured, and managed appropriately. Sufficientqualification/validation must be performed to include procedures and operatortraining to ensure compliance with CGMP and GDocP in laboratory operations.

审计追踪功能在计算机连接的实验室设备中很常见,但必须正确启用、配置和管理。必须进行充分的确认/验证,以包括程序和操作员培训,以确保在实验室操作中符合 CGMP 和 GDocP。

Reinforce BasicCGMP And GDocP In The Laboratory

在实验室中强化基本 CGMP 和 GDocP

Whether in ourown laboratories or those of our suppliers, we must demand a higher standard inestablishing, enforcing, and reinforcing basic CGMP and GDocP. Auditing oflaboratory operations remains a critical success factor.

无论是在我们自己的实验室还是我们的供应商实验室,我们需要一个更高的标准来建立、执行和加强基本 CGMP 和 GDocP 。实验室操作的审计仍然是一个关键的成功因素。

Do not delete or manipulate laboratory data.


Do not conceal undesirable test results.


Understand  and review the audit trail.


Only by ensuringthat these basic tenets are a component of our auditing and supplier managementprocesses will we begin to see positive improvement in data integrity inlaboratory operations and stop the cheating in the laboratory.











